Countries of the World

The Countries of the World Selector is a web-based interactive tool that enables users to learn about various countries by selecting them from a dropdown menu. The application provides detailed information about each country’s population, area, flag, and a direct link to its Wikipedia page. This project highlights key skills in data handling, DOM manipulation, and asynchronous programming with Fetch API.

Poker Hand Simulator

The Poker Hand Simulator is an interactive web application designed to simulate the experience of playing Texas Hold’em poker. The simulator allows users to draw cards, both community and individual player cards, and evaluate the best possible hand from the combination. This project is a showcase of client-side programming abilities, featuring complex logic for card evaluation and a user-friendly interface.

Apple Look-alike

This Apple-inspired showcase webpage is a homage to the clean and sophisticated design of the official Apple website. It is created for educational purposes and portfolio display, demonstrating my web development skills in replicating industry-standard design. The webpage is not commercial in any way and serves solely as a personal project to exhibit my capabilities in front-end development.

Welcome to my portfolio of projects developed at NSCC.
This collection showcases a variety of work I’ve completed, highlighting my journey in web development. Each project is a milestone, demonstrating the application of skills learned and challenges faced. The aim is to not only display the breadth of my technical abilities but also the growth in my problem-solving capabilities. Dive in to see the evolution of my proficiency and my commitment to continuous improvement.

  • Courses Demonstrated:
    • Website Development (Apple Look-alike)
    • Client Side Programming (Poker Hand Simulator)
    • Logic and Programming (Countries of the World)